Only 3% of people in this country actually have a written financial plan per SOFA, The Society for Financial Awareness. Most people are “winging” it and hoping they will have enough assets to live comfortably in retirement. With the current drastic increase in inflation, many people we talk to are wondering if they will have enough money to live on in retirement.
SOFA is a nonprofit 501(3)c group that is not permitted to sell anything. It’s a great resource that has been around since 1993, and many people are not even aware they exist.
The need for financial literacy education is more critical than ever, and if you are a business owner with an HR department, reach out to us to learn how you can have financial literacy workshops presented to your associates at no cost.
If you feel like we do, it is easy to get involved and become a member of SOFA. This is our giveback; we have joined SOFA to provide financial literacy education across the nation for families, communities and employers at no cost to you or your organization!

Here is a list of some of the classes they provide:
Asset Allocation and Modern Portfolio Theory
College Planning
Estate Planning
Exploring Your Options for a Quality Retirement
Getting Fiscally Fit
First Time Home Buyer’s
Financial Blunders That Self Defeat US
Getting Your Financial House in Order
Social Security Explained
Investing Basics for Women
Investing Concerns in a Fragile Market
Issues of Ageing Parents
How to Increase Your Health and Wellness
Legal Lessons for Life
Taking Control of Your Cash – Eliminating Debt
Strategies for a Sustainable Income in Retirement
Refinancing Your Mortgage 101
Tax Planning
Understanding 401K Rollovers
Women Approaching Retirement and Beyond
You and Your Credit Score
Understanding Life Insurance and You
Preparing for Long Term Care (Issues of Ageing)
Roth IRA…Another Tax Break for Americans
Union Members…Securing Your Financial Peace of Mind
What Questions Does the Corona Virus Raise for People Retired or About to Retire?
I.D. Theft
Maximizing the Right Mortgage Strategies in Today’s Market
Stress and Your Health
Real Money – Real Estate
The U.S. Housing Crisis
Understanding Critical Disability Issues
Our Behavior – The Foundation of Our Choices
Making Medicare Simple
NOTE: If you are an individual, you can reach out to groups you belong to such as churches, faculties, teams, etc., and SOFA can provide an educator to come and teach your group at your location of choice and/or virtually
for zero cost.
SOFA is dedicated to end financial illiteracy one community at a time. Reach out today and take control of your financial education 775-365-9429
These resources are worth the time to explore, and they are FREE. Here is a short Video about SOFA:
SOFA - On a Mission to End Financial Illiteracy One Community at a Time